• To change just a portion of an existing data value, click where you want the data insertion bar to appear. Use the Backspace or Delete keys to delete unwanted characters, then enter a new value.
Editing With Edit Menu Commands
Using commands in the Edit menu, you can cut, copy, paste, and clear selected data within the active data window, or paste it into other applications that can accept data via the Clipboard or Scrapbook. You can use the Edit menu commands with any selected data—cells, rows, or columns.
Select the data you want to edit, then choose a command from the Edit menu:
• Choose Cut (Cmd-X) to remove the selected data and place it on the Clipboard.
• Choose Copy (Cmd-C) to place a copy of selected data on the Clipboard.
• Choose Paste (Cmd-V) to place cut or copied data in a data window in the selected cell, row, or column. (You can also paste data into the Scrapbook, another application, or a graph window.)
Note: If you select a contiguous block of cells to paste cut or copied text into, pasting begins in the first cell of the selection.
• Choose Clear or press the Delete key to remove selected data.
Note: Clearing column data with the Clear command is different from using the Delete command (Data menu), which deletes an entire column and its data.